Easy instructions for making this hamburger cake:
Bake a two layer round cake the size that you need. Put the two layers together with icing between the layers.
The top layer you will want to round off the cake edges to resemble the top of a bun. I used kitchen scissors to do this. You can also use a knife.
You will use the star tip, size #18 to cover the sides and top of the cake.
Make a light tan colored icing. Cover the sides of the cake starting from the bottom and going about a third of the way up.
Now make a dark brown icing and continue to cover the sides another third of the way up. This is the hamburger part.
Make a small amount of orange icing and make a small triangle shape with the point hanging over the hamburger. This is the cheese. Space these around the sides.
Next, make a small amount of green icing and use a rose tip, size #125 and make frilly pieces of lettuce between cheeses.
Make a small amount of red icing and do the lines to resemble tomatoes edges.
Use a little white icing and make lines around the edges overlapping the tomatoes. These are the onions.
Using your light tan icing, cover the rest of the sides of the cake and also the top of the cake.
With your white icing and round tip, size #5, make small elongated lines on the cake top to resemble sesame seeds.
Write your message on the board that the hamburger cake is sitting on.